RIP Dallas Good
Me & Dallas Good, Plaza del Sol Performance Hall, Cal State Northridge,November 20, 2010
Photo: Fred Rockwood
Well shit. News has just trickled in that Dallas Good of The Sadies has passed away last night at the age of 48 (!!!). It sounds like there may have been an underlying heart condition, but it’s too early to say.
Dallas was one of my favorite guitarists from one of my favorite bands of this century. Well, they started in the ‘90s and started hitting their stride late in the decade, but it was in the early 2000s that their songwriting caught up to their elite performance aesthetic. Like The Jayhawks, The Sadies took essential ingredients from the Byrds and made em better. More fun certainly. Dallas was the Clarence White of the operation and considering Clarence was from a family of musicians and also died too young, the comparison is apt on a few different levels. Damn. I just realized that as I typed it.
The Sadies were surf punks, spaghetti westerneers, psychedelic explorers, Dallas had that baritone Lee Hazlewood thing goin on, obviously they were, they were also regular country, and someday people will realize that In Concert Volume One is like The Last Waltz, only better. Godspeed to the Notorious Good Brother.